When my business clients first come to me they believe they have to do everything in their business. They’re soloprenuers, sole traders, one-person-bands, the Queen Bee and its workers… Over the course of the first year of their business, in conjunction with the Results Architecture I teach them, we analyse the management of their business to determine the best use of their time and resources.

The “3 Shoulds” in business ask you, the business owner, to determine what tasks you spend your time on based on these criteria.

Should #1

What You’re Awesome At

This task is what you should spend most of your time on. It’s what you are the expert in. It’s what you’re known for. It’s what people pay for when they buy your service. It’s what makes your heart sing. Delivering services for Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching falls into this category for me.

This task is an excellent use of your time and resources.

Should #2

What You Should to Do For Now, But Not For Long

This task is what you need to do initially so you know what needs to be done when it needs to be completed and how you like it done. But, only for as long as it takes you to understand what’s involved, write a process/procedure and then outsource its completion. Unless you’re a bookkeeper then your bookkeeping falls into this category.

This task is an okay-for-now use of your time and resources.

Should #3

What You Should Never Ever Do, Nor Learn To Do

This task is something you have to learn how to do in order to do it. If you don’t currently know how to complete the task and its not really a requirement for you to thoroughly understand all the mechanisms that go into completing the task then you are not the best person to do this task, ever! It’s always going to cost you more time than its worth. Unless you’re a web developer or skilled in a website publishing then developing your own website falls into this category.

This task is always a shit use of your time and resources.

When we break down all the tasks each department of your business requires you to manage, you soon discover there are a great many tasks you can easily outsource without costing you a fortune.

It is a common mistake that all business owners make when they establish their first business. You do not have to do it all, in fact, it’s always better when you don’t. The sooner you learn to relinquish control of every task in your business, the sooner your business will grow.

If you cannot easily see what tasks fall into which of the three should criteria for your business, contact me, I’ll help you to analyse what you’re managing to free you to do what makes your heart sing.

Your coach for results!