I just saw an image produced by TransforMe Learning & Leadership Solutions that showed a row of female icons with the statement, ‘this is not diversity’. Below it, another row with the statement, ‘this is’.

That row showed icons of a wheelchair, a female, a male, the rainbow flag and a black man.

Despite the obvious & likely unintended unconscious bias of the order of the icons, I think it is a great message of inclusion, but we need to go two steps further to include religious/spiritual beliefs and the culture of your birth.


We need to dig deeper and go broader in our respect for diversity to allow for all kinds of differences, not just those that are visually apparent.

I’m reading David Livermore’s Leading with Cultural Intelligence. It has provided me with tremendous insight into why the appreciation for other cultures (& true diversity) is essential to success in business and life.

How is diversity and cultural intelligence represented in your organisation?

Don’t know how, ask your coach.

Don’t have one. Ask me. I happen to have some resources to support you with cultural intelligence integration.